Les aigles de Hornby sont partis...

Publié le par Frédérique

Hélas, le couple de Bald Eagles de la petite île d'Hornby, près de Vancouver Island, a quitté le nid, après l'échec de leur couvée.

"It appears that the Hornby Island bald eagle eggs are infertile. The first egg should have hatched April the 26 and the second egg today. The first embryo, if it developed at all, is surely dead. The second embryo, could still hatch but I cannot see the proper pipping of the egg shell, where the chicks beak has broken through enabling it to draw in air, the precursor to the final struggle for hatching. It does not look good for this pair this year. In fact this is the second year of failure for this nest territory." (extrait du forum, le 30 avril, http://forum.hancockhouse.com/article.php/20060430150923711)

C'est très triste pour les aigles, et pour nous !

Le site propose un autre nid à observer, plus tard. A suivre, donc.

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